Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated thousands of years ago though meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos and the hum body. TCM's major theories include Yin-Yang, The Five Elements, Acupuncture meridians system and the 12 paired Organs theory. Illnesses manifest from one or more imbalances. Each Chinese herb has a unique function to strengthen or calm, to warm or cool the specific organ or meridian. Chinese Herbal Medicine provides healing on a daily bases. The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine makes the treatment much more effective.

Effectively Treatment for Many Conditions

WellnessCare provides customized herbal formulas to fit your individual need. We use only the highest quality herbs to ensure effectiveness and your safety. Our herbs are produced to exacting standards at GMP factories and are free from toxicity, pollutants, chemical contaminants, heavy metals and drugs.

About Our Herbalist


Call For an Appointment

Renton Clinic

9806 SE Carr Rd., Ste 101

Renton, WA 98055

Tel: (425)738-5197

Click here for the map.

Bellevue Clinic

1451 158th Pl. NE

Bellevue, WA 98008

Tel: (425)525-8925

Click here for the map.



10am to 6pm Monday through Friday
9am to 2pm on Saturday.
Closed Sunday.